How to get Information of Business partner BP number in the IGL?
Business partner BP number in the IGL registration?
Business partner BP number in the IGL registration?
The Business Partner Number (BP No.) is a unique 10 digit no. generated for every new registration done. It is basically the unique identification no. which can be referred to for any communication with IGL be it a request, query or complaint.
The series of BP No. vary with the type of customer. This linking helps in identifying the type of customer through its BP No. only. First and second digits depend on customer type followed by 8 digits generated in sequence.
To get information about your business partner's BP (Business Partner) number in IGL (Indraprastha Gas Limited), you will typically need to contact the company directly or use their online portal if they offer such services. Here are the general steps you can follow:
Contact IGL Customer Support:
- The most straightforward way to obtain information about a business partner's BP number is to contact IGL's customer support. You can call their customer care hotline or visit their official website to find contact information.
- Provide the necessary details such as your business partner's name, address, and any other information that can help IGL identify the account. They may ask for your business
- details or account information as well.
Visit the IGL Website:
- IGL might provide online account access for business partners. If they do, you can log in to your account on the IGL website using your credentials.
- Once logged in, navigate to the section that allows you to view account details or partner information. This section should display your business partner's BP number along with other relevant information.
Check Statements or Invoices:
- Review any statements or invoices received from IGL. The BP number is often mentioned on official documents, bills, or invoices related to your business account.
Visit an IGL Office in Person:
- If you prefer an in-person interaction, you can visit an IGL office or customer service center. Bring relevant documents and information about your business partner to help the staff identify the account and retrieve the BP number for you.
Email IGL Support:
- Some utility companies, including IGL, may offer customer support via email. You can send an email explaining your request and providing necessary details. Be sure to include your contact information for their response.
Always ensure that you have proper authorization and permission to access your business partner's account information. It's essential to follow IGL's policies and procedures for obtaining such information, and you may be required to provide proof of your association with the business partner.