Thursday, November 16, 2017

Find EPF Balance by SMS , UAN Information, Name, DOB, Linked aadhar Detail, Linked PAN Detail,

Find Detail By SMS

To find your Employee Provident Fund (EPF) balance by SMS, get information about your Universal Account Number (UAN), name, date of birth (DOB), linked Aadhaar details, and linked PAN details, you can follow these steps:

  1. EPF Balance by SMS:

    Send an SMS from your registered mobile number to the official EPFO (Employees' Provident Fund Organization) SMS service number in the following format:

EPFOHO UAN <Your UAN Number> <Your Member ID>

Replace <Your UAN Number> with your 12-digit UAN and <Your Member ID> with your EPF Member ID. You can find your UAN and Member ID on your salary slip or ask your employer.

For example:

  1. EPFOHO UAN 123456789012 1234567890

    Send this SMS to the appropriate EPFO SMS service number for your region. You can find the specific SMS number for your region on the official EPFO website.


    EPFOHO UAN <Your UAN Number> <Your Member ID>

    Replace <Your UAN Number> with your 12-digit UAN and <Your Member ID> with your EPF Member ID. You can find your UAN and Member ID on your salary slip or ask your employer.

    For example:


     EPFOHO UAN 123456789012 1234567890

  2. UAN Information:

    You can get information about your UAN by visiting the official EPFO portal and logging in with your UAN and password. It will display your UAN details once you're logged in.

  3. Name and Date of Birth:

    Your name and date of birth should be available in your UAN account. You can check this information by logging in to the EPFO portal or by contacting your employer's HR department.

  4. Linked Aadhaar Details:

    You can check if your Aadhaar is linked to your UAN by visiting the EPFO portal and logging in. Once logged in, you can check the Aadhaar details linked to your UAN.

  5. Linked PAN Details:

    Similar to Aadhaar details, you can check if your PAN is linked to your UAN by logging in to the EPFO portal. You can view the PAN details associated with your UAN in your account.

Please note that you need to have an active UAN and your mobile number should be registered with the EPFO for these services to work. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, it's advisable to reach out to the EPFO's official helpline or website for assistance, as procedures and contact information may change over time.

EPF Balance by SMS,
UAN Information,
Linked Aadhar Detail with EPF/ UAN,
Linked PAN Detail with EPF/ UAN,
Bank Detail linked with EPF/ UAN
Last EPF Contribution
Total EPF Balance

Type in SMS 


SEND TO 7738299899